Systems Analysis of Cellular Communication
The FRUITS lab is actively pursuing a highly interdisciplinary and emerging field of lab-on-a-chip, novel microfluidic tools for cell biology. Our current interests are in the development of novel devices to enhance the fundamental knowledge on the cell to cell communication in cancer, molecular interactions of dendritic cells and cancer cells.
Physics of cells and Tissues
- The effects of curvature in cell microenvironments

- Immune cell migration

• Acta Biomaterialia, 77, 311-321 (2018)
• Lab Chip 17, 4171-4185 (2017)
• Scientific Reports, 6, 30207 (2016)
• Integrative Biology, 6, 267-276 (2014)
Tumor Microenvironments
- Single cell level platform

- Co-culture platform

- 3D spheroid platform

• Scientific Reports, 7, 2050 (2017)
• Integr. Biol., 6, 267-276 (2014)
• Biomedical Microdevices, 15, 4, 627-634 (2013)
• ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 40, 33839-33846 (2018)